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Positive Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement is vital to student success in the classroom and everywhere in life! This series will provide a brief explanation of positive reinforcement and how it works, and how to implement it in the classroom.

Videos by section

If you want a certificate, please watch the full training above. There is no option to receive a certificate if you watch these shorter video segments.

Run time 2:28

This video shares a very brief overview about human behavior.

Run time 9:54

This video shares some basic information about positive reinforcement and how it supports classroom success.

Run time 1:30

No bribery here! This video shares the difference between reinforcement and bribery!

Run Time 10:17

How do we know what students find reinforcing? This video provides suggestions for discovering those valuable items!

Run time 10:48

Building student relationships is a vital step in any classroom, and in implementing positive reinforcement.

Run time 9:54

When you make a deal with students, you must honor it! Follow through can include giving promised items or not giving an item-only when a student does not complete their end of the deal.

Run time 17:11

This video shares information on how to teach a student to use a token board from a beginner skill level and how to advance to more tokens.

Run Time 18:49

Once you know the basics of positive reinforcement, it is time to put those skills into action.

Bonus Videos

Run time 8:48

Have you ever had difficulty getting a reinforcer back from a student? Join us to learn strategies to get items back without challenging behavior!

Run Time 6:56

Waiting is hard! This video shares strategies for teaching students to wait.

Run Time 0:55

What is pre-session pairing? How can it support building positive relationships? Find out in this video!

Run Time 12:04

This video shares tips and strategies for teaching individuals to request a break. Teaching a student to request a break can be a powerful strategy to reduce challenging behavior.

Run time 11:47

First/Then boards are a visual support that break down what a student needs to do first, typically followed by a motivating item (next). this is an effective support for many students.

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