Classroom procedures and routines are vital to classroom success. They are the backbone of daily life! This series provides examples of procedures and routines, how to create them, teach them, and ensure that students are moving toward independence!
Classroom Setup Resources and Links:
Classroom Procedures & Routines Task Analysis
Classroom Routines & Procedures Fidelity Checklist
Classroom Procedures & Routines Resources & References
(Elementary Example) Transition Between Activities
(Secondary Example) Entering the classroom
(Template) Routines Transition Between Activities
Classroom Procedures & Routines: Resource Links (PDF)
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Videos by section
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Run time 8:31
Procedures and Routines are the backbone of daily life. This video explains the educational benefits of procedures and routines!
Run time 5:48
Creating a task analysis is a vital component of teaching procedures and routines. Learn more about how a task analysis lays the groundwork for teaching procedures and routines in this video!
Run time 7:56
Now that you have your task analysis, how will you teach it? This video discusses forward and backward chaining as two options for teaching the task analysis.
Run time 12:37
You have your task analysis and chaining procedure. How will you support a student as they learn new skills or a new routine? Prompting, Scaffolding, and Fading those prompts and scaffolds will become very important. Join us to explore how these strategies support teaching and learning.
Run time 2:21
Visual supports can provide valuable prompts for students regarding a single task or a full routine or chain of behaviors.
Run time 3:24
Positive Reinforcement is a vital step in the process of teaching and learning. Join us for a brief overview of how to use positive reinforcement in the classroom.
Run time 11:11
When designing student instruction, it is vital that data is used to inform those decisions. This section explores how data drives student instruction.