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Instructional Strategies

This training series incorporates components from all previous training. Learn how to take those components and strategically use them to make data-based instructional decisions for students.

Videos by section

If you want a certificate, please watch the full training above. There is no option to receive a certificate if you watch these shorter video segments.

Run time 2:10

This video pulls all of the Project Prepare topics as foundational pieces as the focus transitions to instructional strategies.

Run time 3:24

This video provides detailed information on our case study student for this video series.

Run time 2:15

This video segment shows the case study student and her peers as they learn academic content.

Run time 2:28

This video details how student summaries support individualized student instruction.

Run time 6:30

In this segment, Rebecca discusses how the student’s evaluation supports individualized instruction.

Run time 1:49

Rebecca shares how visual supports provide necessary prompts for memory.

Run time 2:31

This segment provides another glimpse of instructional strategies in action.

Run time 4:40

This video provides a guided recap of the second instructional strategies in action video.

Run time 3:29

Rimes and Onsets are the focus of this video of student learning in action.

Run time 6:37

Gretchen highlights the connections between literacy and speech sound disorders in relation to instructional strategies.

Run time 7:15

Watch this video to learn more about the role of prompting when using instructional strategies.

Run time 4:40

This introduction to instructional strategies will discuss all of the components from previous training that will be incorporated into making data-based decisions for student instruction.

Run time 1:15

How do you correct errors while teaching? This video shares tips for error correction!

Run time 4:12

This video shows error correction in action!

Run time 6:58

Errorless learning is a valuable strategy for teaching students with significant cognitive disabilities. Watch this video to learn more!

Run time 1:20

When using prompts, it is imperative that you plan to fade them to keep students from becoming prompt dependent. This video shares ways to plan for fading prompts.

Run time 8:03

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is one instructional strategy used to explicitly teach discrete skills. This video explores the components of DTT.

Run time 4:44

Data collection is a necessary component when making decisions about behavior and academic performance.

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