Long-Term Loan: AT Tool Kit 1

Long-Term Loan: AT Tool Kit 1


This kit includes several simple switches and communication devices you can use to begin AT intervention with your students. Please be sure to follow the checkout process included with the kit when checking a device out from your local co-op.

This product is set for a 12 day window but early returns are always welcome


This long-term loan allows esOPTS to provide additional AT options to co-ops in Arkansas. This Kit includes:

ESO-0001 Talking Brix 2 (Red, Blue & Green)

ESO-0002 Switch Adapted Toy: Bubble Frog

ESO-0003 Tapio

ESO-0004 PowerLink 4

ESO-0005 Big Red Switch

ESO-0006 Jelly Bean Switch

ESO-0007 Battery Interrupter 

ESO-0008 Battery Interrupter 

ESO-0009 Little Step-by-Step

ESO-0010 Adapted Keyboard: BigBlu Kinderboard

ESO-0011 E-Tran

ESO-0012 PECS Book

Optional: iPad

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