The Zoning Plan
A zoning plan is a tool for teachers that work with students that have the most significant cognitive impairments. It is similar to a schedule, but it is so much more! Join us to find out how a zoning plan can revolutionize your classroom!
The Zoning Plan Resources and Links:
The Zoning Plan Task Analysis
The Zoning Plan Fidelity Checklist
Zoning Plan Example 1 (High School)
Zoning Plan Example 2 (Elementary)
Zoning Plan Template (doc)
Zoning Plan Template (spreadsheet)
Student grouping grid planner
Student IEP requirement planning sheet
Staff Schedule Example 1
Staff schedule example 2
Staff feedback on schedule effectiveness example
Para Responsibilities Example
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Videos by section
If you want a certificate, please watch the full training above. There is no option to receive a certificate if you watch these shorter video segments.
Run time 12:59
Begin this series with an overview of zoning plans. You will learn what a zone is, why this document is important for your classroom, and what they include!
Run time 15:55
This video details how to personalize a zoning plan for your students and staff. Get ready to revolutionize your classroom!
Run time 18:47
Join us for valuable tips on how to implement your zoning plan!