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Student Schedules
Visual schedules provide structure and reliability. When implemented correctly, they can reduce anxiety, support comprehension, reduce challenging behaviors, and increase independence.
Student Schedules Resources and Links:
Student Schedule Task Analysis (DOC)
Student Schedule Task Analysis (PDF)
Student Schedules Fidelity Checklist (DOC)
Student Schedules Fidelity Checklist (PDF)
Functional Routines Template (DOC)
Functional Routines Template (PDF)
Elementary/Middle School Functional Routine Example (PDF)
Secondary Functional Routine Example (PDF)
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Videos by section
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This video shares ways that student schedules can support students.
Run time 2:12
This video provides information on selecting a schedule format for students.
Run time 1:57
Dalene shares a few examples of object schedules and students that might benefit from this style of schedule.
Run time 1:36
This video provides examples of student schedules with drawings or icons. In addition, information on why you might select this style of schedule for a student is discussed.
Run time 2:41
This video shares examples of portable schedules and why you might select this for a student.
Run time 1:39
Learn more about when to use schedules with words in this video.
Run time 2:20
This video explores digital options for student schedules.
This video provides information on the importance of collaboration and dispels myths related to student schedules.
Run time 4:34
When it is time to transition, how do students know? This video shares ideas and strategies for transition signals.
Run time 2:14
This video shares how a task analysis supports implementing student schedules.
Data collection is an essential component of student learning. This video shares how to collect data regarding student schedules to make data-based decisions for students.
Run time 5:11
Prompting is an essential part of teaching students to use visual schedules. Learn more on this topic in this video!
Run time 3:56
Reinforcement helps support student success! Learn more about the role of positive reinforcement regarding student schedules in this video.
Watch a real classroom in action. You will notice student schedules, but also other visual supports.