STAR 2 Day Training at South Central ESC

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This comprehensive two-day workshop provides participants with detailed examples and practice activities on how to implement the evidence-based practices identified in the National Standards Report (2009). The STAR Program (Arick, Loos, Falco and Krug, 2015), a research-based curriculum is used to provide examples. Appropriate content connected to the common core curriculum is presented and detailed information on the three evidence-based instructional methods of discrete trial training, pivotal response training and teaching through functional routines are shared. Participants will learn how to implement these strategies through structured lesson plans and a curriculum scope and sequence. The workshop will include extensive data collection systems and participants will learn to collect and use data for instructional decision making. Workshop topics will include the use of power point lecture, video examples, presenter demonstration and participant “hands-on” practice.

Participants may bring their  STAR curriculum kit (purchased separately through the STAR Autism Support company), but it is not required. 

TESS components addressed include: 1e, 1f, 4b

***Important Session Information:

For member districts of the SCSC Professional Development Consortium the fee has been waived. Districts that have not paid for nurses and/or paraprofessionals will pay the listed fee. In the event of cancellation, registrants will be notified by email (address tied to escWorks). Participants are not allowed to bring guests (such as children or spouses) to any training.

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