Serving Students with Multiple Disabilities and Dual Sensory Impairments – Easterseals Arkansas

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This training, presented at Great Rivers Education Service Cooperative,  focuses on a variety of instructional and behavioral strategies for students with multiple disabilities. It includes information about curriculum options, adaptations, and accommodations for our students with the lowest incidence disabilities. Topics will also include evaluation and planning tools for programming.

Participants will have an opportunity to experience what various combinations of hearing and vision loss might be like. They will also have an opportunity to interact with a variety of low and light tech adaptations using symbols, switches, and environmental control units.

Finally, there will be a make and take focusing on literacy tools for this student population. Participants will make their own story box to go along with a children’s story appropriate for theme-based learning in the classroom. During the make and take, participants will also be exposed to adaptations and accommodations including voice output switches, adapted toys and games.

Additional workshop information:

March 5, 2019, 8:30a.m.-3:30p.m.
Easterseals Arkansas Boardroom
3920 Woodland Heights Rd. | Little Rock, AR 72212

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