
  • The new Duo provides different options with new, enhanced sound quality, one- or two-message capability, and a quick and easy way to change overlays. Find multiple uses with the one-message option;or use the duo mode for simple sequencing, multiple choice selections, or language exploration.
  • TactileTalk usesĀ Tangible SymbolsĀ to represent objects, activities, places, people and concepts, like a spoon for eating and bells for music. These objects are organized on 30 transparent overlays with borders and other symbols made with a special tactile paint. Each overlay corresponds to preprogrammed pages in the theĀ TactileTalk Communication BookĀ using theĀ GoTalk NOW AppĀ using . Students feel the object for reference and tap the screen for a corresponding voice output. For example, tapping the bells image to play ā€œI'd like to listen to musicā€. An accompanying printedĀ TactileTalk GuidebookĀ helps you to integrate tangible symbols into the school day, and provides examples for using this product with students with various disabilities.   The TactileTalk is sent with an iPad (SKU: A-10946) with the GoTalk app.
  • Low-tech system for eyegaze direct selection.

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